Vanguard Alumni Association Monthly Meeting


This meeting will be hosted on Zoom To join by phone: – Dial: 669-900-6833 – Meeting ID: 813 8723 5213 – Passcode: 432117 To find a more local number, […]

VAA Central & Eastern Alumni Breakout

VAA Central & Eastern Alumni Breakout This meeting will be hosted on Zoom To join by phone: – Dial: 669-900-6833 – Meeting ID: 813 8723 5213 – Passcode: 432117 […]

Vanguard Historical Society: Decades Project Kickoff Meeting for the “Fours” Pt. 2

Join us for our kickoff meeting to learn how you can participate in the VHS Decades project. This year we are covering every program and year ending in a four. 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004 & 2014!   Decades Project Meetings is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: VHS Decades Project Kickoff Meeting for […]

VAA 2000’s , 2010s 2020’s Only Alumni Breakout

VAA 2000’s, 2010s, 2020’s Only Breakout   Preferential time to accommodate specific generations, all performing groups *If fewer than 5 attendees 20 minutes after start we will end early This meeting will be hosted on Zoom To join by phone: – Dial: 669-900-6833 – Meeting ID: 813 8723 5213 – Passcode: 432117 To find […]

VAA Central & Eastern Alumni Breakout

VAA Central & Eastern Alumni Breakout Preferential time to accommodate EST and CST alumni, all generations *If fewer than 5 attendees 20 minutes after start we will end early This meeting will be hosted on Zoom To join by phone: – Dial: 669-900-6833 – Meeting ID: 813 8723 5213 – Passcode: 432117 To find […]

VAA 2000’s , 2010s 2020’s Only Alumni Breakout

VAA 2000’s, 2010s, 2020’s Only Breakout Preferential time to accommodate specific generations, all performing groups *If fewer than 5 attendees 20 minutes after start we will end early This meeting […]