Vanguard Historical Society: Decades Project Kickoff Meeting for the “Fours”

Join us for our kickoff meeting to learn how you can participate in the VHS Decades project. This year we are covering every program and year ending in a four. 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004 & 2014!   Decades Project Meetings is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: VHS Decades Project Kickoff Meeting for […]

VAA Central & Eastern Alumni Breakout

VAA Central & Eastern Alumni Breakout This meeting will be hosted on Zoom To join by phone: – Dial: 669-900-6833 – Meeting ID: 813 8723 5213 – Passcode: 432117 To find a more local number, visit Once you a located a more local number, use the same meeting ID and passcode.

Vanguard Historical Society: Decades Project Kickoff Meeting for the “Fours” Pt. 2

Join us for our kickoff meeting to learn how you can participate in the VHS Decades project. This year we are covering every program and year ending in a four. 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004 & 2014!   Decades Project Meetings is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: VHS Decades Project Kickoff Meeting for […]

VAA 2000’s , 2010s 2020’s Only Alumni Breakout

VAA 2000’s, 2010s, 2020’s Only Breakout   Preferential time to accommodate specific generations, all performing groups *If fewer than 5 attendees 20 minutes after start we will end early This […]

VAA Central & Eastern Alumni Breakout

VAA Central & Eastern Alumni Breakout Preferential time to accommodate EST and CST alumni, all generations *If fewer than 5 attendees 20 minutes after start we will end early This […]

VAA 2000’s , 2010s 2020’s Only Alumni Breakout

VAA 2000’s, 2010s, 2020’s Only Breakout Preferential time to accommodate specific generations, all performing groups *If fewer than 5 attendees 20 minutes after start we will end early This meeting […]

VAA 2000’s , 2010s 2020’s Only Alumni Breakout

VAA 2000’s, 2010s, 2020’s Only Breakout   Preferential time to accommodate specific generations, all performing groups *If fewer than 5 attendees 20 minutes after start we will end early This […]

VAA Texas Chapter Discussion

VAA Texas Chapter Discussion This meeting will be hosted on Zoom To join by phone: – Dial: 669-900-6833 – Meeting ID: 813 8723 5213 – Passcode: 432117 To find […]