Apr 3, 2017 | News, Santa Clara Vanguard, Vanguard Cadets, Community Arts, Events, Alumni
Coming this summer, Vanguard Music and Performing Arts is proud to present Pacific Procession, one of the Bay Area’s most exciting drum corps events of 2017! Join us on Monday, June 26 at Santa Clara High School for this year’s show featuring Santa Clara...
Mar 20, 2017 | News, Santa Clara Vanguard, Vanguard Cadets, Community Arts, Events, Alumni, SCV Winter Guard
It is an exciting time for Vanguard Music and Performing Arts and the Santa Clara Vanguard as we celebrate 50 years of history and excellence. In May of 2016, we sat down with our board of directors, staff, and a group of select Vanguard constituents for a strategic...
Dec 3, 2016 | News, Santa Clara Vanguard, Hall of Fame, Community Arts, Events, Alumni, SCV Winter Guard
The Santa Clara Vanguard has a block of hotel rooms available for those attending the 50th Anniversary Gala and DCI WEST at Stanford. We want to encourage you to stay at the Gala Headquarters opening weekend. Special room rates will be available Thursday June 22,...
Nov 16, 2016 | News, Santa Clara Vanguard, Vanguard Cadets, Hall of Fame, Community Arts, Alumni, SCV Winter Guard
We are happy to announce that Whole Foods Market of Santa Clara has chosen the Santa Clara Vanguard as their 5% Community Support day recipient coming up on Wednesday, December 7th, 2016 at the Santa Clara Store located on 2732 Augustine Drive. Help support the...
Nov 15, 2016 | News, Community Arts
Here at the Santa Clara Vanguard, we are committed to providing unique and exciting musical opportunities for young performers in the Bay Area and all across the country. That is why, as we enter our 50th Anniversary in 2017, it is our great pleasure to announce a...