Hall Of Fame
VMAPA Hall of Fame Mission
The VMAPA Hall of Fame (HOF) was established in 2012 to honor the outstanding individuals who have made a substantial and positive impact on the VMAPA organization through their distinguished service, achievements and enduring contributions.

VMAPA Hall of Fame Committee Members
- Diane Corbett Esparza
- Sheri McGinnis Aquilina
- Marilyn Modesitt Gill, Chair
VMAPA Screening and Selection Committee Members
- Erik Brown
- George Brown
- Stephenie Gallardo Hebert
- Brian Marsalli
- Julianna Martin
- Annette Navarro
- Russ Gavin, CEO
- Marilyn Modesitt Gill, Chair
VMAPA Hall of Fame Overview
Nominations are accepted annually from January 1 st through February 15 th . All nominations are submitted to a three member Hall of Fame Committee (HOFC). The primary responsibility of this committee is the administration of the nomination process. After the HOFC reviews the submissions to ensure completeness, the application packets are sent to the Screening and Selection Committee (SASC).
The SASC consists of 6 appointed members, the VMAPA CEO and the HOFC Chair. The SASC has 15 days to complete their review. Once completed, a ballot selection meeting is held to discuss and select the nominees that will be placed on the ballot. After the ballot is finalized, the application packets will be sent to the Voting Membership. All ballots must be returned no later than 11:59 p.m. PT on March 31 st .
To date, there are 48 members in the HOF. It is important to note that any individual, from 1967 until now, that has been affiliated in any capacity within VMAPA, can submit a nomination or be nominated. The HOFC is available to assist any member interested in nominating someone. However, no member of the HOFC or SASC may submit a nomination application or write a letter of support, but every other member of the HOF can. If you have any questions, please email the HOFC at
VMAPA Hall of Fame Membership
HOF Nomination Information
Who can submit a nomination?
All past and current members or volunteers of the VMAPA organization are invited to submit nominations. Members are defined as anyone that has been involved in any capacity within the VMAPA organization. (G&Rs Section 4)
Where can I check to see if my nominee has already been nominated?
Before starting the application process, you should email the HOFC at and ask if the individual or couple that you are interested in nominating has already been nominated.
Can I nominate someone posthumously?
Yes. There is a question on the application that will require you to indicate if your nominee is living or deceased. If your nominee is deceased, you will be asked to provide contact information for the closest relative. (G&Rs Section 5.3)
How many categories are there and what is the difference between the categories?
There are two categories – Legacy and Contemporary. The difference between the categories is that a Legacy nominee must have been inactive for a minimum of 15 years. The nomination criteria is the same for both categories. However, nominations will be reviewed and voted on separately. (G&Rs Section 4)
How many letters of support are required with the application?
Every application must include 3 letters of support. The application and the 3 letters of support will be considered a complete nomination submission and must be submitted at the same time. (G&Rs Sections 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7)
Who can write a Letter of Support?
Anyone can write a letter of support who knows or has worked with the nominee and can effectively advocate their contributions, achievements and positive impact on VMAPA. It is important to note that an individual may only submit 2 letters of support per year. It is also important to note that anyone serving on the HOFC or SASC are precluded from writing a letter of support. (G&Rs Section 5.6, 2.4 and 3.4)
Is there a limit on how many applications and/or letters of support the same person can write?
Yes. An individual may only submit a total of 2 nomination applications per year and write up to 2 letters of support to accompany a nomination application per year. The 2 letters of support can be written for 2 nominees in one category or one nominee in each category. It is important to note that anyone serving on the HOFC or SASC are precluded from submitting an application or writing a letter of support. (G&Rs Section 5.6, 2.4 and 3.4)
Can you re-nominate someone that was already been nominated but was not inducted?
Yes. Nominees who have been nominated in the past, but not chosen, may be re-nominated as long as the nominee continues to meet the criteria for nomination. There is no limit to the number of re-nominations. (G&Rs Section 5.11)
Who determines which nominees will be placed on the HOF ballot?
The Screening and Selection Committee (SASC) determines which nominees will be placed on the ballot. The primary responsibility of the SASC is to thoroughly examine the nomination submissions and ratify that the nominees meet the criteria for induction. The SASC will then select the nominees to be placed on the ballot. (G&Rs Sections 3.3 and Section 6)
Who gets to vote on the nominees that will be inducted?
The VMAPA members eligible to vote are the “active” members of the HOF; appointed members of the SASC; Board of Directors, excluding Honorary Directors; the Alumni Association Officers; the Executive Director; the Chief Financial Officer and the Creative Visual Director.
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